👩‍💻 Where to work from?

There are a number of questions that have come to light since the pandemic, companies are now deciding what are the best working models to use, Remote, Hybrid or Assigned (Onsite full-time). There are pluses and minuses for all these working practices. Ultimately you have to know which works for you best and what suits your own style and beliefs.

So how does this effect Editing, well depending on the area in which you work and your type of employment there will be a number of options.

Remote Working [Home]

Remote working has seen a rise in popularity, at Edit Your Film we have worked remotely for a number of years, working from a single solo Freelance, to a small team of freelancers. There are benefits to this working model:

+ Pluses

  • No office costs and associated costs
  • No Travel Costs
  • No commuting to the office


Hybrid working can offer the best of both worlds for many, you can work remotely and also go into work in an office / Post House or a Shared Work Space.

Photo by vadim kaipov / Unsplash