🎞️ How to do a Multi-Camera Edit with Premiere Pro

Multi-camera editing is something every editor can use to help speed up their workflows, so they no longer have to stay till 2 am / 3 am working on syncing audio and cameras clips.

🎞️ How to do a Multi-Camera Edit with Premiere Pro
Photo by Avel Chuklanov / Unsplash
Read Time 4:00 Minutes

Multi-camera editing is something every editor can use to help speed up their workflows, so they no longer have to stay till 2 am / 3 am working on syncing audio and cameras clips.

Camera set up - Have your audio recording on all your cameras that you are using.



  1. Rename your Camera Clips e.g Camera 1, Camera 2, Camera 3 etc.
  2. Select All Cameras Clips, and Right click 'Create a Multi-Camera Sequence'.
Right Click > Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence.
Right Mouse Button click, then choose 'Create Multi-Camera Sound Sequence'

  1. Opens Opens - Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence dialogue box. You can give it a name here.

Change Video Clip Name: Custom [Type in the video name e.g. Multicamera]

Opens - Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence.
  1. Choose Sync Clips by Audio [Under Synchronize Point], Then choose Track 1
  1. Audio > Sequence Settings - You can choose camera [in most cases - If this is your main camera]
This should be the best source of Audio.
  1. Under Camera Namers > Choose 'Use Clip Names'
Under Camera Namers > Choose 'Use Clip Names'.
  1. In the Project Panel - You will now have a Processed Clips Bin and a Multicam Sequence (which has a different icon).
  1. Right click on the Multicam Sequence and choose 'New Sequnce From Clip'.
  1. Open Multicamera View but Clicking on the 'Toggle Multi-Cam View' icon below your Program monitor.
'Toggle Multi-cam View" Highlighted above in Blue

If you dont see the 'Toggle Multi-Cam View', Click on the + Button to the right to add it to the menu (Drag it into position on the toolbar [below the Program Monitor( If required)].

Shortcut Shift + 0
  1. The Preview Monitor will split into two, Left side shows all your different Camera angles and the right an Output of your edit.
Multicam View in Premiere Pro - Footage Source Artgrid
  1. If the Cameras are not in the right order, Click on the wrench and choose 'Edit Cameras'
Click on the wrench . then choose Edit Cameras
  1. Then you can drag and drop the cameras to rearrange the order.

  1. You can then click on your perfered camera or press 1,2,3
Use either you mouse to click on camera angles, or 1,2,3 etc on the Keyboard.

14 When you pause the video you will see the cuts you have made.

Editor if you are not happy with your cuts (Slections) you can right click and change a camera angle or replay and the new angle will 'Overwrite' edit the previous camera angle clip. Or you can you the 'Rolling Edit Tool'.

band playing on stage during daytime
Photo by Brands&People / Unsplash

The footage in this step-by-step guide for Multicam editing is available on Artgrid.