📺 How to Export your film with Premiere Pro

Are you having issues getting your final Film from Premiere Pro to screen. Here is a thirty second Video and a Step-by-Step Guide to help you.

📺 How to Export your film with Premiere Pro
Photo by Marcus Löfvenberg / Unsplash

How to export your film from Premiere Pro.

Read Time: 3 Minutes.


If you are struggling to get your final Film to its audience, here is a quick thirty-second video to help you solve your issue.

Get your Film out there - Export Your Film in Premiere Pro

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Make sure your 'Timeline' area is selected

eg it is surrounded by a blue box.

2. File > Export > Media

- the export settings dialogue box will appear.

File > Export > Media

3. In the export setting dialogue box.

Choose Format (On the right-hand side under Export Settings).

You will be told what to deliver your film in usually, with Film Festivals, this can be found on the Festival Submission Guidelines.

4. Choose the required Preset

For example, YouTube 720p HD. If you are exporting for social media, a full list of the requirements can be found on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo etc.

Export Settings - Choose > 1. A Format > 2. A Preset

5. Label your film (file)

This appears as a blue file name. You could save this old to the desktop for example and you will always know where your outputted films are.

6. Choose 'Entire Sequence'. or 'In to Out Point'.

If you have marked the clip on the Timeline.

Choose 'Entire Sequence'

7. Check you film will export correctly,

Click on the blue play head and 'scrub' through the footage.

Playhead sometimes called the 'Current Time Indicator or CTI and 'Scrubber'

8. Check that on the display above the timeline scrub section,

Does this have the correct duration of your film?

9. Place your play head at the very start of your film.

10. You are now ready to 'Export' your film.

Remember your final film will save to your desktop, this should be moved to a safe storage place for display or backup.

Export your film...Then...Let everyone enjoy your film.